Women Against Internet Crime
Our beloved Rishi relentlessly persevered during her early years of pioneering female mastery in the West, an endeavor that paved the way for feminine empowerment. Like many emerging spiritual masters, she endured the obstruction of the patriarchal power structure that actively sought to deny her sovereign right to exist as a modern, deeply-spiritual woman who was free of patriarchal religious and societal controls. She prevailed with grace and dignity, winning a precedent-setting legal case and ten-million-dollar settlement, a balancing of power which she courageously engaged in on behalf of all women of every culture and creed. Her dedication to the divine feminine is born of the unwavering dedication that she demonstrated in the midst of both subtle and oppressive misogyny by surmounting societal inequality with the unstoppable light of feminine mastery. She has risen to her role as a western regent with her feet on the ground and her clarity of purpose impeccably sustained throughout the past four decades, forging a path beyond the power structures of the past as a spiritual emissary of the divine feminine.